You create your own luck.

Maybe you’ve said this before: “Oh, that person is so lucky, and I’m not so lucky!” I have.

But then I realised, that I am very lucky too, and we all are. You can see that by appreciating all the things that you have. Just list them, and you will see how rich you actually are. Luck is a matter of perspective.

I think we create our own opportunities and that is often viewed as ‘luck’. Of course, there are often instances where something happens by chance. But most of the time when we say “He’s so lucky he has such a big house”, we don’t realise that his house did not pop up out of nowhere, he probably had to work for it – he saw some opportunities and he acted on them, to get what he wanted.

So, instead of waiting and wishing things happen to you by chance or thinking that with some luck you’ll have what you want, go outside and try something new, outside of your comfort zone. That is where most of the opportunities will arise and you will become very ‘lucky’ then, for sure! :)

I think Thomas Jefferson said “I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” That is, the harder you work the more opportunities come your way, which people often say is luck, but it’s you the whole time! You create your own luck – you create your own future.


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